


About Me

Hi, hello, I am Zhang Jinzhe, currently a front-end engineer at a state-owned enterprise in Qingdao, previously worked at Beijing Zhongan Technology, Shanghai Zhongan Insurance, and was a leader at Qingdao Zhongyi Wanhe.

On the road to building a blog, I have experienced a series of trials and changes: from Jekyll to VuePress, then to Notion, Flowus, VitePress, even GitHub Issues, Juejin, to now Xlog. Although the tools have changed, I have found that the process of learning and recording knowledge is more important than the tools themselves. This is indeed a challenge, and I am still working hard to overcome it.

Good output does not pick platforms

I will continue to learn and record continuously on my blogging journey, aiming to break through myself and share more valuable knowledge.

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